Forty Days of Prayer for Quilters Day 38: Come Holy Spirit

Every now and again I go through these periods of time when I experience deeply negative thoughts on repeat like an old vinyl reacord skipping. Please allow me to assure you this is wholly unpleasant, bleeds into other areas of my life, and is the cause of the prayer, "Lord take this from me, please!" … Continue reading Forty Days of Prayer for Quilters Day 38: Come Holy Spirit

Forty Days of Prayer for Quilters Day 37: Lead me Here we are at Day 37. This started out titled: "Vocation and Longing." Last night while watching a documentary on the Captains of the Star Trek franchise I noticed another thread, which further deepened as I listened to the radio as I drifted off to sleep. It is not lost on me that as … Continue reading Forty Days of Prayer for Quilters Day 37: Lead me